Astronomy Facts
Astronomical Facts The farthest visible object in space : Andromeda Galaxy The only Star of the Milky Way : Sun The first commucication satelite of the world : Echo,USA Halley’s comet belongs to the family of which planet: Neptune’s The first Spaceship that took man to space: Vostok 1 TheContinue Reading
current affairs in sports
30th olympics will be held in London 2010 th Common Wealth Games will be held at DelhiContinue Reading
Deserts and Countries
Sahara – Africa Thar – India Kalahari – Souhtern Africa Atacam -Chile Gobi – Mongolia Takla Makan -ChinaContinue Reading
Metals and Ores
The components of Nickel Steel are: Iron (Fe) & nICKEL (Ni) Who discovered the element,sodium ? Sir Humprey Davy Litharge is the ore of which metal ? Lead The alloy used for making engine parts is : Silumin Malachite is the ore of :CopperContinue Reading
Famous Books and Authors
Autobiography of an Unknown India: Nirad C choudaryContinue Reading
Agriculture Facts
The contribution of agriculture to India’s national income is near :25 % The largest agro-based industry in India – Textiles Yello Revolution aims to increase : Oil Seal Production The Award which is given to the best agricultural Scientist in Inda : Borlaug Award The Technolgy Mission on Diary DevolpmentContinue Reading
Population Facts
World’s First Census was conducted at USA on : 1790 India’s first Census was conducted in : 1872 World population Day is on : July 11 The State with lowest sx ratio is : Haryana Total Literacy rate in India is :65 .38% The branch which deals with the studyContinue Reading
Abbreviations AG :Attorney General CAG :Comptroller and Auditor General CMP :Common Minimum Progam ESMA :Essential Services Mainatance Act EC :Election Commission FC :Finance CommissionContinue Reading
Atomic Power Plants in India
Atomic Power Plants in India Narora Atomic Power Station : Uttar Pradesh Kakrapara Atomic Power Station : Gujarat Kaiga Atomic Power Station : Karnatak Kalpakkam : Tamil Nadu koodamkulam :Tamil Nadu (built with the help of Russia) Kota : Rajasthan (also Rana Prathap Sagar Atomic Plant)Continue Reading
First Persons who made Historic Achivements
First Men in India First Air Cheif Marshal : Arjan Singh First President of Indian National Congress : W.C .Banerjee First Indian Commander in Chief: Gen.K.M .Kariappa First Field Marshal : S.H.F.J .Manekshaw First Viceroy of India: Lord Canning First Muslim President of India : Dr.Zakirhussain First Governer General ofContinue Reading