The last Mouryan King was : Brihadratha In Jainisam “perfect Knowledge” is refferd to as : Kaivalya Asokan’s inscriptions were first deciphered by :James Princep Th Capital Kingdom of Maharaj Rangit Singh was : Lahore The most important Pallava ruler was : Gondophernes Buddha delivered his first sermon at :Continue Reading

Junior Employement Officer – National Employement Services and L D C -Company/corporation/board (special recruitment-sc/st): Exam held on 28-06-2008 -Soved Paper 1. River Ob.Irtysh is in: Russia 2. Sumatra is situated in: Indian Ocean 3. Gobi desert is in: Mangolia 4. The number of nominated members in the Rajya Sabha: 12Continue Reading

1. Bombay : Maharashtra  : Bhopal ::……. A. Karnataka             B. Andhra Pradesh                     C. Madhya Pradesh D. Nagaland              E. None of these 2. Factory : Worker : : Finger : :…….. A. Nail             B. Hand   C. Arm     D. Palmer            E. None of these 3. Year : Month : : Week: :Continue Reading