European Union (EU) Competition Commission approved Facebook – WhatsApp deal worth 19 billion US dollar on 3 October 2014. The Commission cleared the deal saying that the Facebook-WhatsApp deal would not hurt competition. The deal was disputed by telecom companies as soon as Facebook had announced to acquire whatsApp earlierContinue Reading

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data planContinue Reading

Google launched Drive, a cloud-based storage, on Tuesday. The service would allow users to store up to 5GB data in Google’s servers for free. According to Sundar Pichai, Google’s vice president for Chrome and apps, wrote on official blog “Today, we’re introducing Google Drive – a place where you canContinue Reading

RSS (originally RDF Site Summary, often dubbed Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a “feed”, “web feed”,or “channel”) includes full or summarized text,Continue Reading

HSDPA, short for High-Speed Downlink Packet Access, is a new protocol for mobile telephone data transmission. It is known as a 3.5G technology. HSDPA  standard will provide download  speeds on a mobile phone  equivalent to an ADSL  (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) line in a home, removing any limitations placed onContinue Reading

EUP    Enterprise Unified Process FAQ    Frequently Asked Questions FIFO    First In, First Out FLOPS    Floating Point Operations Per Second GIGO    Garbage In, Garbage Out GIS    Geographic Information Systems GPS    Global Positioning System HDTV    High Definition Televsion HDV    High-Definition Video HFS    Hierarchical File SystemContinue Reading

Netbooks (sometimes also called mini notebooks or ultraportables) are a branch of subnotebooks, a rapidly evolving category of small, light and inexpensive laptop computers suited for general computing and accessing web-based applications. is a one  of the premier worldwide online providers of gadget news,gadget comparison,prices comparison portal for Netbooks,Laptops,MobileContinue Reading