SNo ,Name ,Mechanical Inventions
1. Austin , Motor Car
2. Bell, Graham Telephone
3. Berliner, Microphone
4. Brequet, Helicopter
5. Bushwell, Submarine
6. Caxton , Printing Press
7. Colt, Revolver
8. Daimler ,Gas engine
9 Davy Miner’s ,Safety Lamp
10. Diesel ,Internal Combustion Engine (Diesel Engine)
11. Dunlop, Pneumatic tyre
12. Edison, First electric bulb and gramophone
13. Faraday,Dynamo
14. Fick Law of Diffusion – Fick’s law
15. Frank Whittle, Jet propulsion
16. Fulton ,Stream boat
17. Galileo ,Telescope
18. Gillette, Safety razor
19. Guttenburg, Art of Printing
20. Hoe Rotary, Printing Press
21. Howe ,Sewing Machine
22. Huygens ,Pendulum clock
23. James Watt, Steam Engine (patented in 1769)
24. Landstrom, J.E. Safety Matches
25. Macmillan, Bicycle (1842)
26. Mauser, Magazine of rifle
27. Mercator, Celestial and a terrestrial globe
28. Mergenthaler, linotype
29. Montgolfier ,Balloon (1883)
30. Pascal, Calculating Machine
31. Puckle, James Machine gun
32. Shockley, Transistor
33. Sholes, Typewriter
34. Stephenson, Railway engine
35. Swinton, Military tank
36. Torricelli, Barometer
37. Watt, Robert Watson Radar
38. W. & O. Wright
(Wright Brothers), Aeroplane (1903)
39. Watermann, Fountain pen
40. Zeiss Lenses; Camera