What is Agroforestry? Agroforestry is a sustainable management mechanism for land that: increases overall production, combines agricultural crops, tree crops, forest plants and animals simultaneously, and applies management practices that are compatible with cultural practices of the local population. It is a type of social forestry in which an individual farmerContinue Reading

Aluminium: U.S.A., Canada Norway, Switzerland, France and India. Asbestos: Canada leads in the world in production of Asbestos. Carpets: Iran, India. Cheese: U.S.A., England, Netherlands and Australia. Coal: U.S.A., England, Germany, Russia, Australia and India. Cocoa: Ghana, S. America and West Indies. Coffee: Brazil, Indonesia, India. Copper: Chile. Cotton: U.S.A.,Continue Reading

Bajra (millets): Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. Barley: U.P., Bihar, Haryana. Its cultivation requires cool climate. Cardamom: Karnataka. India is the largest producer of cardamom in the world. Cashewnut: Kerala. Cinchona: Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri Hills); West Bengal (Darjeeling). Coconut: Kerala is the leading producer of coconut inContinue Reading

Major crops(agricultural commodities)– Top producing countries Below given is a list of top producing countries of major agricultural commodities. The top three producing countries of each crop is given in that order Almonds–United States, Spain, Syria Apples—-China,United States,Turkey Apricots–Turkey,Iran,Italy Banana—India,Brazil,China Barley—Russia,Canada,Germany Dry beans–Brazil,India,China Buffalo milk–India, Pakistan,China Cabbages–China, India,Russia Camel milk-SaudiContinue Reading