Computer GK Series-Computer General Knowledge for Exams
Who is credited with the creation of WWW
Answer : Tim Berners-Lee
Which of the following is not a web browser
Answer :HTML
MIME is associated with the following
Answer :E mail
The mode of communication in which transmission can be bidirectional. But in only one direction at a time is called
Answer :Half Duplex
Error detection at the data link layer is achieved using
Answer :CRC codes
In Serial communication, start and stop bits are used for
Answer :Synchronization
In a transmitter, the unmodulated signal is known as
Answer :Baseband signal
In a computer network, routing issues are handled in
Answer :Network Layer
In a computer network, functions of dialog management and synchronization are taken care of in the Answer :Session’s layer
Which of the following topologies has the highest reliability
Answer :Mesh
In data communications, bauds signify ———- rate
Answer :Signaling
ADSL is abbreviation for
Answer :Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
The topmost layer in the ISO model that needs to be implemented in an intermediate node is the ———–layer
Answer :Network
VPN denotes a
Answer :Virtual Private Network
Data rate of a ring network is 20Mbps and signal propagates at 200m/µsec. The number of bits that can be placed on the channel of length 200km is
Answer :20000bits
The frequency range over which coaxial cables are typically used is
Answer :106 to 108 Hz
In internet, the well known port 21 refers to the application
Answer :FTP
The maximum data rate possible through a noise free 4 kHz binary channel is
Answer :8000 bps
The transparency provided in a distributed system where users cannot tell how many copies of a resource exist is termed as
Answer :Replication transparency
Which of the following configurations can be said to be tightly coupled
Answer :Shared memory multiprocessors
In distributed systems, RPC stands for
Answer :Remote Procedure Call
Assume there are 4 file servers each with a 0.95 chance of being up at any instant. Probability of at least
one being available is
Answer :1-(.05)4
Which of the following category of classification of multiple computer systems is not generally used in practice
Answer :MISD
. In a distributed system, to ensure that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other, the transactions must have the following specific property
Answer :Serializability
Translation Lookaside Buffer(TLB) is also called
Answer :Associative Memory
In Internet Standards Terminology, RFC refers to
Answer :Request For Comments
. Which of the following denotes a network management protocol in an internet
Answer :SNMP
IEEE 802.11 is an IEEE standard for
Answer :Wireless LAN