GK Questions for the day 1. Coin of china ? 2. Biggest dam in china ? 3. Name of the parliament of china ? 4.Which country is known as “western babilon”? 5.Father of WWW….? 6.Father of internet….? 7.Father of e-mail….? 8.Founder of Facebook….? 9.father of hindustani music? 10.namethe author ofContinue Reading

GK Question of the day : The fungus that produces alcohol is : (a) Penicillium (b) Mushroom (c) Rhizopus (d) Yeast can you guess the answer ? The answer  for the above question will be published on tomorrow . Post your guesses as comments below NOW!Continue Reading

Who is the World’s Youngest Monarch? King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, 28, an Oxford-educated bachelor, becomes the world’s youngest monarch. He has become head of state of the world’s newest democracy after his father abdicated in 2006 as Bhutan changed to a constitutional monarchy.Continue Reading