Content Include Text,Picture,Music,video is called? – Mutimedia Method of getting Internet On Telephone line term called – DSL line A(an) _____is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations. – ALU User can Use which out it hands? -Speech recognization software User access mail any where using? Webmail InterfaceContinue Reading

ENIAC( Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic computer. It was a Turing-complete digital computer capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems.] ENIAC was designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory. When ENIAC was announcedContinue Reading

The 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor family brings visibly smart performance to your business PCs—delivering benefits you can readily see and appreciate. Users can be more productive. PCs and laptops can be better protected. Your operation can be a smooth-running machine. Clearly, 2nd generation Intel Core processors are the smartContinue Reading

Computer-aided design (CAD), also known as computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), is the use of computer technology for the process of design and design-documentation. Computer Aided Drafting describes the process of drafting with a computer. CADD software, or environments, provide the user with input-tools for the purpose of streamlining designContinue Reading