Time Zone,Taiga Belt,Selvas,Semangs,Pangong Tso and more…

Mansarover Lake: is in Tibet. Near it, the rivers having their source are the Brahamputra, the Sutlej and the Indus.
Maoris (Tribes): are the original inhabitants of New Zealand.

Masai (Tribes): of the East African plateau are the example of pastoral peoples. They are a tall, strong, warlike race, partly negroid in type. They treat their cattle with great respect and affection and do not kill them for food or for sale as meat.
Monsoon in India: is relat­ed to differential heating and cooling of the huge landmass of Asia and the Indian Ocean and the origin of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. The term Monsoon was introduced by the Arabs.

Munda (Tribes): are most­ly located in Madhya Pradesh.
Negritos (Tribes): are the ancient tribes of Andamans.

Nutrification: is the process of conversion by action of bacteria, of nitrates in the soil.

Onges: are tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Oraon (Tribes): are aborig­inal people of the Chhota Nagpur region in the State of Bihar. They call themselves Kurukh and speak a Dravidian language.

Pangong Tso: is one of the world’s highest and brackish lakes in Jammu & Kashmir.

Pressure zones on earth: are created due to differential heating of the earth’s surface by the sun.

Proxima Centauri: is a star nearest to the earth.
Rare earths (Or Lignite and Monazite) : are found on the beaches of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Monazite is an ore of tho­rium.
Roaring Forties: are west­erly winds.

Saddle peak: is the highest peak of Andaman and Nicobar islands, located in Great Nicobar.

Savannas: are found between latitudes 5° and 20° North and South of Equator. These are tropical grasslands bordering the equatorial forests in each hemisphere. The Llanos and Pampas of South America are chief examples of Savannas but extensive Savannas are in Africa. Savanna grasslands are also found in Australia. The three-tier growth of vegetation is found in these regions. The natural vegetation of Savannas consists of tall grass.

Selvas: The rain forest of Amazon basin is called Selvas. These are rainy tropical forests..

Semangs (Tribes): are trib­al people living in Malaysia.

Spring Tides: are caused when the sun and the moon are in a straight line. The tide on its maximum height is known as Spring Tide.

Taiga Belt: lies between the Tibet-type climate and the Tundras.

Telegu Ganga Project: in Tamil Nadu envisages optimal use of surplus water of the Krishna river. It is a joint ven­ture of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Time Zone: A zone on the terrestrial globe that is 15° longi­tude wide and extends from pole to pole and within which a uniform clock time is used. Time zones are the functional basis of standard time. The world is divided into 24 time zones.
Tsunamis: are huge sea waves caused by earthquakes.
Willy Willy: is a tropical cyclone of the north-west Australia.

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